Investor personality insight quiz

behind the scenes at beyond

Conservative Investor
Adventurous Investor
Analyser Investor
Protectionist Investor
Seeker Investor
investor personality type insight quiz
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What is it you would like to do with money?
What is managing money concerned with ?
What are successful investors of stock market best described as ?
What is life insurance ?
A prudent and successful investor invest in only ?
What is your attitude towards investments ?
Am I concerned about keeping money for emergencies?
What is your reaction when stock markets fall ?
What is your reaction when stock market rises ?
Investments offering interest and capital protection are valuable .Any Company stock cannot be valued as their price behaviour is uncertain.
Investment takes discipline and focus.
I don't have any retirement plan.I like to work.I shall work throughout my life.
I don't believe in any long term investments.I live for myself alone and enjoy life in full.
What criteria is primary that you watch for before investing in any mutual fund scheme ?
What is it that you avoid if you are investing in any mutual fund scheme ?
What is the primary factor that motivates you to avoid or decide making investment decisions ?
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